M&M watching the "Date Pickin'" in their little flight suit onesies!
M&M love seeing other people. So they thought it was great to watch the men outside the window. Now that they can sit up in their side-by-side stroller and see people when we're out, I never hear a peep from them. They look around and smile and talk to people. Which is part of the problem too. Yesterday we were at Lulu's Hypermarket and at least 20 people (I know you think I'm exaggerating, but I swear I'm not) came up to us and either talked to them (which is fine), touched or pinched their cheeks (borderline), or flat out kissed their face! You should have seen the look of horror on my face when this woman just walked right up like they were hers and smooched them on the face! I try to remind myself that it's just the culture. European really. One kiss on each cheek for a greeting and an extra kiss if it's a friend. But these people don't use toilet paper OK! Anyway I know I have a germ phobia when it comes to M&M so I try not to stress to much. I've learned subtle avoidance techniques when we're out. Angling the stroller away or into a shelf or rack and basically just keep moving and not stop. I just smile and keep truckin'! OK enough of my ranting. It's been only 6 months and I'm frustrated...my poor husband has been here almost 2 years! Have I said lately that America is the greatest place on Earth! If this adventure here has been for nothing but to remind us of that, it will be worth it.