Our Prayer!
Heavenly Father, You are the real foundation of nations, raising them up to serve and care for the people dwelling in their boundaries. I thank You for making us citizens of this land of freedom and unlimited opportunity---which are the result of it's Christian beliefs. Send forth Your Spirit to this country and make it a source of wisdom and strength, order and integrity throughout the world.
Thank you Lord for President Bush's strong leadership and resolve through one of our country's most difficult periods of time. Thank you for giving us this Godly man who consistently sought Your will and guidance, through great personal sacrifice and public vilification. Bless President and Mrs. Bush as they celebrate their 31st anniversary this week, thank you God for the excellent example of their marriage which has remained strong in spite of the tremendous pressure of living in the public eye. Lord give them many years of joy and blessings as they transition into the next phase of their lives.
Please be with President-Elect Obama that he will be awed before You God, with the responsibility he has to seek Your face as he prepares to lead the nation. Lord let Your will penetrate every aspect of his plans and actions the next 4 years. Help us to humble ourselves before you and pray for his protection and strength to lead our great nation where You would have it go. Also be with Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, that they will have God’s grace as they return to their former responsibilities.
As the brave men and women of our military continue to serve the causes of freedom and liberty with faithfulness, Lord give them strength and support from America. Lord God cover them with Your powerful protection. Be close to each one as they carry out their duties, and we pray for those working closely in difficult and dangerous circumstances to have the unction of God’s grace as they serve.
So awesome Cece - thank you! Could not have said it any better:)
Well said. We believe that all we can do now is pray for Obama and hope that he will make the right choices.
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