Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Day

Finally the day was here.  We had counted down the days.  We bought the backpacks.  We talked endlessly about sharing toys and following the rules.  We met our teachers.  The first day had arrived and M&M were beside themselves excited!

So after a breakfast of grits, bananas, and chocolate milk we are finally ready to get into the van and be on our way.  I think I was just as excited as they were.  I knew they were going to love it!

Yes, they are running to the front doors!

Since we are about 30 minutes early, I know but we were SO excited, we stopped by the rock to take a picture.  Under the cross it says "This is a Place of Grace"; and it certainly is.  Alice Drive Baptist Church has been such a blessing to us and we are thrilled that M&M will get to experience it in a new way through Kingdom Kids.

Lets go find our classroom!

Putting our backpacks where they go...yep, you guessed it we're the first ones there!

Pictures around the classroom...Ms. Kristina and Ms. Dawn they're our teachers!

Picture by the rainbow wall that we all made at meet the teacher night.

First task at!!

My last glimpse.  I just couldn't stop taking pictures!  Really I just didn't want to leave.  At some point I realized that I was interfering and just had to leave.  And I was very proud that I made it all the way back to the van before I started crying!  How is it that I turned into this blubbering Mama that couldn't leave her kids for 3 hours at the very church where they go every week anyway?!  But in that moment I realized that it really wasn't about leaving them at Kingdom Kids.  I knew they would love them and take care of them.  It was ALL that it represented.  I saw our whole journey on that car ride home.  I saw the years of praying for them and the struggle that nearly broke us. I saw how thrilled we were when we found out there was two..a boy and a girl.  I saw them in the NICU working very hard to learn to breath and eat on their own.  And all that time when they still needed us so much for their very sustenance.  And although they still need me, I realized it is getting drastically less and less as each day passes.  That's the point isn't it?  To raise them to be happy, responsible, fulfilled people who love God.  I know that.  But this one milestone, I cried for how fast it all went by.  By the time I picked them up I had straightened myself out and was ready to rejoice with them on a thrilling first day.  And I realize now that there are so many of these milestones to come.  And yes, I will probably cry at every one....

1 comment:

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

I took Robbie there when we lived there. Loved it and it is a great preschool.

Glad you made it through!